The St. Alban's Anglican Chapel is the longest serving worshipping community at The Citadel and the largest college ministry in the Anglican Church of North America (ACNA). St. Alban's provides a place of hospitality and respite for over 1000 cadets per week in the hospitality lounge, gathers roughly 200 per week for Holy Communion, provides Christian formation for 100 students per week, initiates on average 30 new believers into the Christian faith through baptism, and disciples new believers through robust peer to peer catechesis. As a registered charity, St. Alban’s is entirely dependent upon generous friends and partner churches to be a community in the mission field on Christ's behalf. 

Join us in welcoming the Rev. Dr. Rob Sturdy, Anglican Chaplain to Cadets, to St. John’s on Wednesday, April 9th. Learn about the mission of St. Alban’s and how the good news of Jesus is working through The Citadel. Dinner tickets for Holt Brothers BBQ are $25 per person and can be purchased HERE or by calling the church office at 843-662-5585.