Welcome to St. John's Church!

We are so pleased that you found us! We are located at 252 S. Dargan St., in the heart of downtown Florence, and we’d welcome you and your family for a visit any time. Give our office a call (843-662-5585) or an email (bmccallister@stjohnsflorence.org) if you have any questions, or fill out the form below so we can get in touch with you! You can connect with us on Facebook or Instagram, or join us for worship in person or online. We hope you are thoroughly blessed by your experience here, "and I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ."


8:30am - Worship in the Sanctuary with a traditional Eucharist, more contemplative and quiet.

9:30am Worship in outside under the Fellowship Pavilion with a traditional Eucharist. During colder months, this service transitions inside to the Parish Hall.

11:00am Worship in the Historic Sanctuary with a traditional Eucharist.

A nursery is provided for children under 3 for the 9:30am & 11:00am services. Children are welcome at all services and are invited to follow the cross to Children’s Church, or remain in worship with family - grab an activity bag or sidewalk chalk from the welcome table!

Or worship with us online: Live at 11am!

How can we help?

Drop By Our Office

Open Monday-Thursday 9am-4pm, and Friday 9am-12pm. Find us at 252 S. Dargan St. Florence, SC 29506.

(843) 662-5585