Lenten Lunch Teaching Series

Join us on Thursdays through April 10th for Eucharist, light lunch, and a guest speaker!

Please feel free to attend any part of the program as your schedule allows.

Each year St. John’s brings in speakers from around the diocese and beyond to help us wrestle with the gospel through the lens of a particular literary/cultural medium. For the last two years, we have centered our study on short story authors, exploring the worlds that they create and how they reveal our own world in new and different lights.

This year, we will be exploring a different literary medium: lyrics. And who better to begin with than the inimitable Johnny Cash. His decades of songwriting reveal a man deeply steeped in a Christian understanding of the world, but also deeply broken. His life, his lyrics, and his music are strikingly honest about the brokenness in and around him, and point again and again to hope in the midst of it all.

This Lent we will be inviting five speakers to campus to unpack a song (or two) from Cash’s extensive canon. They will explore the song’s shape, the gospel implications therein, and its potential implications in our own lives. As always, we will begin with a Eucharist service and a simple meal of soup and sandwiches before turning to our lecture.

We look forward to a fun, engaging, and thought-provoking series- and we hope you will join us!