Greetings Brothers & Sisters,
I am sure many of you are asking why the switch from Youtube to hosting only audio on the website. Many of you may think Youtube worked just fine, and that's the way I've watched sermons for the pas 3 or so years. These are certainly valid points, however Youtube is primarily a medium for video, so creates additional work to turn the audio of a sermon into a video for listening.
The primary reason for hosting on the website is accessibility. By hosting the audio on the website we have far more control over how it is formatted, and it is far easier to distribute. Furthermore, to watch it on Youtube, particularly on a mobile device, the phone app or web page has to stay open. Whereas with it hosted on the website, you can listen on the website with the browser minimized or your phone on standby, you can download the sermon directly from the website, or you can listen to or download it from your favorite podcasting service like Apple Podcasts or Google Play Music.
The hope of this transition is that it will be far easier for people to find the sermons, less work to listen to them, and a greater access to listen to them during daily life. And the old archives can still be found on Youtube.
Thanks for bearing with us through this change!
Jesse Perl