“But seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare.”
Non-Profits in Residence
Part of our vision to Know Christ and Make Him Known is to utilize one of our greatest resources, our campus, to support the mission of key non-profit community partners whose missions align with our understanding of human flourishing. Think of these as friendships—friends don’t necessarily agree eye-to-eye on everything, but you have a bond rooted in shared understanding that has blossomed into love, good will, and support for each other. On an organizational level, these community partners are the friends of St. John’s who are doing important work within our shared community that we are eager to support.
Dr. Joe Baroody is an ordained minister who has been providing counseling services from his office upstairs in the church’s office building for the past 30 years! Zero cost office space provided by St. John’s along with the donations of individuals and community organizations allow Dr. Baroody to offset the cost of counseling so that his services can be made available to anyone, regardless of their ability to pay.
For more information: (843) 662-0000
In Florence county, a staggering 33% of adults are functionally illiterate. For 45 years the Florence Area Literacy Council has sought to meet this need by providing one-on-one adult literacy instruction that is tailored to the specific needs of adult learners. They are one of two nonprofit partners receiving free office space in the St. John’s Outreach Building next to the church office.
For more information: 843-667-1908, florenceliteracy.com
A multifaceted organization that has been serving Florence and the surrounding counties for 37 years, the Pee Dee Coalition is dedicated to reducing the prevalence of sexual assault, family violence, and child abuse, as well as meeting the needs of the victims who have experienced harm. They receive free office and meeting space in the St. John’s Outreach Building for their Alternatives to Violence intervention program.
For more information: 843-669-4694, peedeecoalition.org
The Arts Alliance “is a community-based local arts agency that serves the citizens of Florence County and the Pee Dee” by encouraging a vibrant local arts community. St. John’s is offering zero cost temporary office space to FRAA so that they can maintain a presence in downtown Florence while they assess their long term needs.
For more information: 843.407.3092, florenceartsalliance.org
Camp Adaptabilities is a summer camp that caters to individuals with multiple and/or severe disabilities, and often those with physical impairments, cognitive. visual or hearing impairments as well. Our summer camp is a place where these special individuals can laugh and sing, make arts and crafts, swim, ride horses, participate in games & sensory experiences, and challenge themselves in areas they didn't think possible. Camp is usually held on St. John’s campus.
For more information: https://www.speciallyabledmiracles.org/campadaptabilities
Ministry Partners
We also support many nonprofits that have either been started by members of St. John’s or whose mission we support. In different ways these organizations serve our community by ensuring that no person is forgotten nor need overlooked. We believe their service and dedication to others reflects God’s commitment to us through Jesus.
Help4Kids’ mission is to fill the weekend hunger gap for the children in Florence County public schools receiving free or reduced breakfast/lunch during the week and who are identified as being “food insecure” on the weekend. They accomplish this by sending bags of shelf-stable, kid-friendly food home with students over the weekend.
To learn more: https://www.help4kidsflorence.org/
Manna House is a community soup kitchen and food pantry, supporting the unity and health of the community with love and spiritual blessings. Providing nutritious free meals and food for families in Florence South Carolina.
They provide breakfast and lunch daily to our neighbors that are facing food-insecurity.
For more information: https://flomannahouse.com/
East Florence Mission
People of all ages participate in the various programs but the ministry mainly reaches young people. We believe the only way to help them is to present the Gospel message, pray that they will have a life changing experience with Jesus Christ, meet physical needs when necessary and possible, build trust relationships through real love and concern, counsel them according to Biblical principles and offer them strong educational opportunities.
To learn more: http://www.pekfoundation.com/
Youth Mentors provide services under the supervision of professional staff to fatherless or single parent children (boys between the ages of 8 & 17, girls between the ages of 6 & 13) in order to help them make a satisfactory adjustment to community life. These services are provided on a “one-to-one” basis.
For more information: https://www.youthmentorsofthepeedee.com/
Camp Jubilee is a ministry of the Anglican Diocese of South Carolina. We believe that lives are transformed by the gospel of Jesus Christ and that the Lord has called his people to partner with him in seeing his Kingdom come. Our passion is helping campers know the Lord and the love that he has for them. Camp Jubilee welcomes campers from all walks of life to enjoy a fun-filled week of making friendships and memories that last a lifetime, while encountering the Lord through his creation, his word, and his people joined in worship of him.
For more information: https://www.campjubileesc.org/
HFF’s mission is to unite and ignite the Church to love and bless Florence County and beyond. They work toward a visible demonstration of the unity of Christ’s body to bless all who come across our path, facilitating interdenominational service projects, worship events, and leadership development (amongst other things).
For more information: https://helpingflorenceflourish.org/
Lighthouse Ministries exists to enhance the quality of life for Florence County residents by providing immediate basic needs and on-going comprehensive support services, particularly for those families at risk of homelessness in our area. Our organization thrives in our efforts through collaborations with area ministries and local community partners.
Lighthouse Ministries seeks to be the primary resource for direct services and referrals for those with the greatest needs in Florence County.
For more information: https://www.lighthouseflorence.org/
Mercy Medical Free Clinics provide a free medical and dental home to low income, uninsured and underinsured adults without healthcare benefits in Florence, Darlington, Marion and Williamsburg counties using Judeo-Christian principles of love, integrity and compassion.
For more information: https://www.mercymedicalfc.org/
Tenacious Grace exists to see hurting women from all walks of life connected to Jesus and each other. Our mission includes the operation of a two-year residential recovery program, Five Sparrows, for women who are survivors of abuse, addiction, poverty, and prostitution.
All products sold and donations made help directly fund the Five Sparrows recovery home and the mission of engaging hurting women from all walks of life with the message of Truth, strength, and hope in Jesus.
For more information: https://www.tenaciousgrace.cc/